Technical article in PLUS
offers an overview of the "art" of circuit board digitization...
Reconstructing Multilayer Boards
even complex multilayer boards can be reconstructed from samples...
BFK-Services calculates and designs impedance structures for multilayers, develops HDI / SBU multilayer concepts as well as rigid-flex structures - according to reliability and economic efficiency criteria - and creates the associated documents and specifications - with 3D visualization if required. with suitable software tools - for local and global procurement.
Impedance build-up
The production of impedance-controlled multilayers requires close cooperation with the specialized circuit board manufacturer. We at BFK-Services can fall back on:
- on our own decades of experience
- on the experience of our PCB partners
- to the impedance calculation software from POLAR
The scope of our services in this area:
- Advising the customer on impedances in the concept phase
- Transfer / review of customer data with the creation of an adapted layer structure
- possibly also with alternative proposals (optimized according to manufacturing costs or tolerances)
We calculate the most varied of impedance models, expected tolerances of the impedances and effective layer spacing and total thicknesses of the structure based on the material properties, the copper coverings of the layers, the prepreg properties and we calculate the necessary corrections to the conductor widths that result from these calculations.
We make this service available to both circuit board manufacturers and end customers.
HDI / SBU multilayer concepts
HDI (High Density Interconnection) and SBU (Sequential Built Up) have established themselves as common terms for the technology for the production of printed circuit boards with high integration density . These include other terms such as blind vias, burried vias and manufacturing technologies such as laser drilling, hole plugging, etc. Most electronics developers are informed about these technologies.
But which technologies are the most reliable and cost-effective for a specific wiring task? At the interface between circuit board technology and developers , we can develop designs that offer reliable production, the lowest possible costs and a wide range of suitable manufacturers.
Of course, we can also fall back on the experience and innovations of our proven partners
Rigid-flexible printed circuit boards
For a long time, rigid-flex printed circuit boards were considered to be priceless for the civil sector. In the aerospace and military sectors they have been used for decades because of their reliability, but also in millions of high-tech products such as cameras - especially from Japan. The factories there are, however, distinct “in-house” producers who are not available as contract manufacturers.
Even today, only a few PCB manufacturers are able to offer rigid-flex technology like our partner CSI Sud-Ouest in Toulouse. Together with CSI and other non-European partners, BFK also offers support for rigid-flex technology for:
- suitable overall concepts and layer structures
- suitable material selection
- production-ready design rules