
06-03-2016 / 12:57 PM

Technical article in PLUS

offers an overview of the "art" of circuit board digitization...


05-01-2015 / 11:37 AM

Very high customer satisfaction

for SCAN-DIGI services after a survey ..

02-05-2014 / 06:36 AM

Reconstructing Multilayer Boards

even complex multilayer boards can be reconstructed from samples...


Change of owner at BFK-Services

An internally necessary change - but without impact on our business partners.

With effect from July, 1st 2010, Klaus Kern is owner of BFK-Services. There are no further changes in company data. Dipl.Kfm Klaus Kern is still the primary contact for all business partners. Business partners are only asked to use for mails to BFK-Services the correct adress ("BFK-Services, Inh. Klaus Kern ...).